0 users voted and made comments. Number from Perth, Adelaide, Darwin Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory.
Last updated: 11-27-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0861173889 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
There have been 0 reports from users.
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+61-8-6117-3889 Delete
You entered a competition and have won the trip to Florida. Didn't enter any competition
You entered a competition and have won the trip to Florida. Didn't enter any competition, listened for a bit, total cost of $200 and something, but wait, do you like cruises? Couldn't get a word in so i hung up
Automated message, claiming to be ATO and in violation of tax fraud, and stating you will be arrested unless you press 1 to talk to a scammer. ATO do not make these types of calls that are threatening.
I have had two calls from this number today, I answer and the call disconnects. I have just had a third that I did not answer, there was a message left but no speaking message, there was no background noise.
Telemarketer from DealChecker (?) to discuss electricity deals.
This is a criminal enterprise
+61-8-6117-3889 Delete
You entered a competition and have won the trip to Florida. Didn't enter any competition, listened for a bit, total cost of $200 and something, but wait, do you like cruises? Couldn't get a word in so i hung up