0 users voted and made comments. Number from Melbourne, Hobart Victoria, Tasmania.
Last updated: 11-26-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Melbourne, Hobart, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0390057240 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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+61-3-9005-7240 Delete
Saying tax evasion and case filed, warrant for arrest.....press 1 etc....typical scam call.
Claiming to have a warrant for my arrest because of taxes
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Voice recording saying fraudulent activity on card( did not say which bank). Push 1 transfer to Indian sounding lady want my details. I have fraud alert and it set up on my banking app. No notification. When ask what bank and which account hit the phone slam on my ear
Trying to sell VIC government “free hotwater” upgrade — sus
Phoned 3 days in a row, using name Brown, unable to clearly hear what is being said. Very insistent, disrespectful.
+61-3-9005-7240 Delete
Claiming to have a warrant for my arrest because of taxes