9 users voted and made 1 comments. Number from Perth, Adelaide, Darwin Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory.
Last updated: 11-30-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0861499864 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
There have been 9 reports from users.
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Nuisance caller do not answer.
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Unsafe. nuisance caller. Do not trust, do not answer. Report to police if he harasses you.
Foreign language (Asian) robocall. There was a 12 second voicemail left on my phone with not a word being spoken in English.
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+61-8-6149-9864 Delete
Calls daily end of jan to 3rd of feb 2023. Uses names? Says call is about solar stuff.