0 users voted and made comments. Number from Brisbane Queensland.
Last updated: 11-19-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Brisbane, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0749432790 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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Allegedly from the NBN Company. Alleged there was a problem with my NBN. Told her I was not aware of said problem and had not reported anything, therefore not expecting a call. She was very pushy. I told her it sounds like a scam. She became angry and asked me if I was making an allegation against her. I cut the call. She called back on 0749435839(07) 4943 5839 demanding why I had cut the call. I told her...
Allegedly from the NBN Company. Alleged there was a problem with my NBN. Told her I was not aware of said problem and had not reported anything, therefore not expecting a call. She was very pushy. I told her it sounds like a scam. She became angry and asked me if I was making an allegation against her. I cut the call. She called back on 0749435839(07) 4943 5839 demanding why I had cut the call. I told her...
Automated message saying my internet would be disconnected...blah blah blah. Obviously scam caller. Yet another one added to my BLOCK list
They claimed to be NBN and gave me 24 hours to update details or I am cut off!??
Allied me at 4 am and twice more. WhenI tried ringing back, person not available.
+61-7-4943-2790 Delete
Allegedly from the NBN Company. Alleged there was a problem with my NBN. Told her I was not aware of said problem and had not reported anything, therefore not expecting a call. She was very pushy. I told her it sounds like a scam. She became angry and asked me if I was making an allegation against her. I cut the call. She called back on 0749435839(07) 4943 5839 demanding why I had cut the call. I told her...