0 users voted and made comments. Number from Brisbane Queensland.
Last updated: 11-22-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Brisbane, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0740162089 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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Calling twice daily , leaving no msg
Rang this number back and my phone said Caloundra based. The number could not be connected so obviously bogus.
Two weeks ago, my friends and I went for shopping at DFO. I accidentally hit another car as I tried to pull over. At the time there was a woman who witnessed the car accident. She went to me taking a photo of slighly damaged car. She said to me specifically that I am going to take your detail as I know people hit and run with the damage car without leaving a detail or leaving a detail with the...
100% Im also a VIP and sick of them calling
Scam call from Indian call centre. Claiming to be from Alice. could hear multiple other Alices taking calls in the background.
+61-7-4016-2089 Delete
Called 3 times 14/11 - once went to voicemail and left 18s message - heard lots of typing in background, other voices in background and the caller breathing into the mic.