3 users voted and made 1 comments. Number from Brisbane Queensland.
Last updated: 11-24-2024
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Criminals that plan and set up pre-meditated murders and make it look like suicidal’s. Criminals that give massive payouts to police offices along too others to cover up and close off the crime cases quickly so they can collect the deceased financial heritage. They target families that has massive financial Inheritage, they kill everyone-one by one and start collecting their money and keeping it for themselves. Financial scheme along with their drug dealing and trafficking. They’re linked with the Brunswick Muslim Italian/Turkish mafia gang to NSW Griffith Italian/Indian mafia gang. Live by the sword die, die by the sword is their motto. They also run a drug business. Smuggling cocaine marijuana ecstasy pills inside wine bottles/distributing them around vineyard and winery farms Bendigo Shepparton Ballarat through to Canberra Batemans Bay Griffith Wagga Wagga.
Called my phone and didn't speak... why do that? Harrassment
answered but they hung up
Chris james offers a loan from ideal mortgage but wants an insurance payment first then you don't get the loan
Chris james from ideal mortgage wants money upfront for loan then no loan etc
+61-7-3557-2488 Delete
Hung up after I answered and on calling back it was some public outreach crap.