0 users voted and made comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-25-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0468565976 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
There have been 0 reports from users.
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i asked quot who gave you this number quot he hung up he spoke in my country of origin language how did he know that hmmmmm
Who is this
2x calls at 0230 hrs
Asked me to call to contact federal Police
Advising I am under investigation for illegal activity on my bank account (this is a call to my work phone so could not have anything to do with my personal account). Asks you to press 1 to avoid being arrested.
+61-468-565-976 Delete
Sent SMS saying, Hello. Can you all install WhatsApp on your work phone at some time so I can set up a group chat. Have a great long weekend everyone with a sun emoji. Weird. Highly unlikely to be work-related given tis the weekend so suspect phishing scam.