0 users voted and made comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-26-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0458098423 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
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Pretending to be a post office and want my address. On Sunday!
Just received a call from this number, decided to answer as waiting on a call, but as soon as answered they hung up I’ve heard Optus has been hacked and are targeting Optus users in australia but I am not with such company, so no explanation.
Looked like a suspicious sms link - but upon searching the main url “ancdelivers.com.au/” found it was indeed a real delivery for a package I actually ordered, wished they had included an order number or some id in the text so I didn’t have to look them up!
This person calls and hangs up, when you call back he claims he knows you, calls you by 1st name and tries to get info from you about your location, work and what you do.
Michael Patten a shonk builder ,ripped us off with service provided
+61-458-098-423 Delete
Left a voice message. Automated voice saying DHL international about a courier packaged and then it went into chinese.