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Last updated: 11-29-2024
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just keeps calling and hangs up when hello is spoken
Sales team from Homebuyers from my inquiry off Facebook, human contact!
Male caller re replacing lights with led lights Said was not interested He then said F off and hung up
Sounded as through 3 phone calls had been merged as a prank style call with a strong ethnic males voice yelling profanities.
Criminals that plan and set up pre-meditated murders and make it look like suicidal’s. Criminals that give massive cash payouts to police offices along too others to cover up and close off the crime cases quickly so they can collect the deceased financial heritage. They target families that have massive financial Inheritance, they kill everyone-one by one then start collecting their money and keeping it for themselves. All the victims a attacked and killed the same way: In the middle of nowhere, smashed up on the left side of their skull, facial and upper body, left side only from a baseball bat. Leaving each victims to suffer a heart attack or stroke. These criminals a running financial schemes along with their drug dealing and trafficking. They’re linked with the Brunswick Muslim Italian/Turkish mafia gang to NSW Griffith Italian/Indian mafia gang. Live by the sword die, die by the sword is their motto. They run a drug business. Smuggling cocaine marijuana ecstasy pills inside wine bottles/distributing them around vineyard and winery farms Bendigo Shepparton Ballarat through to Canberra Batemans Bay Griffith Wagga Wagga. The 88 year old man that’s Turkish Lebanese of this loser mob has serious Mental health issues and something not right in his brain! Probably depression schizophrenia bipolar maybe all of them. All the innocent victims, lives and families you have destroyed from their jealousy, greed and hunger for money.. Go and get a fucking real job and earn the things you want in life and stop stealing, killing people for your greediness of money. Seriously you’re a fucked up twisted halal cunt and everything that comes your way, you deserve it. It’s so sad to see how low you’re willing to go for the sake of a dollar!
+61-437-820-619 Delete
They call to trick you into answering yes and ok, then hang up. How are you going ? We are a business company? Always with a question tone to get you to react then hang up.