9 users voted and made 1 comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-24-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0430749601 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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There have been 9 reports from users.
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+61-430-749-601 Delete
Recieved a call from this number, wasnt sure who it was, googled the number, and found recommendations as a photographer so thought that was weird but turns out its just a young woman who had found my purse and I have my phone number in the photo section and she was just trying to return it. Returned with everything there including all my cash!
Fake claim my parcel wasnt able to be successfully delivered
Rang said from dept of health victoria, then asked what state i lived in. Hmmmmm sus
No answer
Caller stayed silent when I answered call and repeated greeting - no response, just creepy silence before they hung up after a long pause.
Nuisance calls several times per evening for over a week from this or similar numbers based from Sydney
+61-430-749-601 Delete
Recieved a call from this number, wasnt sure who it was, googled the number, and found recommendations as a photographer so thought that was weird but turns out its just a young woman who had found my purse and I have my phone number in the photo section and she was just trying to return it. Returned with everything there including all my cash!