9 users voted and made 1 comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-21-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0411443823 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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There have been 9 reports from users.
Scam Call
Missed Call
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+61-411-443-823 Delete
Oh yes this number would be a marketeer for health insurance, as I too had a brief look online while considering health insurance options. Obviously I would not answer an unknown number; best to not encourage marketeers and the like.
+61-411-443-823 Delete
Oh yes this number would be a marketeer for health insurance, as I too had a brief look online while considering health insurance options. Obviously I would not answer an unknown number; best to not encourage marketeers and the like.
Have no idea who is person is, but call me again and I’ll kill you!
Safe, legit number.
Claiming I need to pay toll charges - obvious spoof address/number.
Got a call from woman saying that an unauthorised transaction had taken place in my bank account and 600 was going to a man in America. I stopped talking until she hung up.
Recorded message stating the NBN was connected in our area and our internet was going to be cut off in 24 hours, press 1 for tech support etc. this is the 3rd call over the last week, guess what still have internet.
+61-411-443-823 Delete
No one answered on the other end when I picked up. A few seconds later hung up