79 users voted and made 8 comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-22-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0488828785 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
There have been 79 reports from users.
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+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
Canberra (AUS) 0488828785 / 61488828785 (Careful!) | Find the Caller's Name and Address arqgdpzwelj [url=http://www.g22f8w2dp57u8g5e7f6if25sc41m51dvs.org/]urqgdpzwelj[/url]rqgdpzwelj http://www.g22f8w2dp57u8g5e7f6if25sc41m51dvs.org/
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
Said she was calling for Kids Cancer Foundation. Sounded legit but I wouldn’t give card details on the phone.
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
This number called me but hung up when I answered.
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
This number frequently tries to ring me and i usually ignore it as it is not in my contacts and they dont leave a voicemail. Today i called the number back out of curiosity and the recorded message said they were calling on behalf of kids with cancer, running a raffle
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
I have had a series of missed calls from this number, occasionally I would also ignore it because it's not a number familiar to me. Today I answered and they asked if I was "insert my name", I said yes and then they hung up.
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
Got 2 calls from this number in the past few days. Said they were the SES offering a raffle. I had previously asked them stacks of times not to call. I rang the Qld SES (I'm in Brisbane) and they said they weren't associated with this. The SES Volunteers Association runs raffles, but their spokesman told me they do this every couple of months from a legitimate call centre, and definitely NOT mobile numbers. They will investigate further. Don't trust this number and definitely do not provide money or credit card details.
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
They hung up when i answered
I answered and an American asked for my x by his online name then I called it back and it an some old guy from QLD answered ranting he's had that number at his house for 60 years
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Asian lady. Trading Academy wants you to visit website and enter bank details. It's a scammer guys, don't do it.
Chubb Fire Safety
Chime Communications Pty Ltd-Hang up on answer.
+61-4-8882-8785 Delete
Canberra (AUS) 0488828785 / 61488828785 (Careful!) | Find the Caller's Name and Address apkdqjcgfei [url=http://www.gnb16d5658e30495o2mno06qstb0ht7us.org/]upkdqjcgfei[/url]pkdqjcgfei http://www.gnb16d5658e30495o2mno06qstb0ht7us.org/