0 users voted and made comments. Number from Australia.
Last updated: 11-22-2024
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If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
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Lovely person
Today and yesterday I received a phone call from 0424711081 with a recorded message that I would be debited $99 today for Amazon prime membership. The message said that if I wish to cancel, to press 1 to speak to Amazon cancellations dept. I did so and was connected. When I explained that I had not subscribed to Amazon prime and asked for an explanation they immediately hung up. I tired to call the number after a few minutes and received an Optus recorded message that the number had been disconnected.
Help I received a call today a robo type call saying they where the tax office and my bank acc was frozen & I was under arrest for tax
Scam re Amazon Prime - recorded voice asks to press 1 to speak to someone.Tries to get details about renewing a non existing Amazon Prime subscription.
+61-4-2058-5846 Delete
Automated message letting you know that your Telstra account is going to be disconnected