0 users voted and made comments. Number from Melbourne, Hobart Victoria, Tasmania.
Last updated: 11-27-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Melbourne, Hobart, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0390876853 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
There have been 0 reports from users.
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Levitate (website says they are a client happiness platform, but they seem to be a tele-marketing). Said they are doing a financial health check, wanted to know my age where my super is and how much I have. If I have over $150k they can help me. I told them I dont need help and didnt want to tell him that information, and he started to get really pushy, couldnt understand why I wouldnt...
Received an email with this number being the contact number. The email says it has come from PayPal saying that someone is requesting money from me… I don’t use PayPal… be very wary.
Rang me during business hours. I answered with my name and they did not respond, it was just silence. Said hello a few times and they hung up
Telemarketers or scammers ringing at night and they dont leave a message
Missed calls while I was out. No message. Happened 3 times now this week. Intentions honorable? I doubt it.
+61-3-9087-6853 Delete
03 9087 6853 This number called me a few times but left no voice message. I finally answered and it was an Indian trying to give me a better electricity deal... I asked her to remove my number from their call list and then I blocked the number.