0 users voted and made comments. Number from Melbourne, Hobart Victoria, Tasmania.
Last updated: 11-29-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Melbourne, Hobart, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0389695730 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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+61-3-8969-5730 Delete
Called me saying that my TFN and bank account had been suspended and there was legal action against me, and then hung up after I didnt press a number that was asked for.
7.45am wake up call from Mark trying to sell me a great cashflow increasing opportunity! ughh.Asked him if he thought 7.45am was a little early to be contacting people to solicit unwanted business opportunitiesNot at all he said and laughed. Most people are up and about at this time. Give me a break! *blocked*
There is no information that I can find from this number. Suspicious.
This n
Sure as shit, he makes me feel safe.
same, sms sending weekly work hours / shifts
+61-3-8969-5730 Delete
i answer the call and they hung up straight away , really weird ,