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Unknown Risk

1 users voted and made 1 comments. Number from Sydney, Canberra New South Wales, Australian Ca.

Last updated: 09-20-2024

Listing Information

  • International format: +61284168275/ +612-8416-8275 / 0061284168275

  • Area Code: 02

  • City: Sydney, Canberra

  • State/Province: New South Wales, Australian Ca

  • Region: Central East Region

  • Phone Type: G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line)

  • Registrant Company: Chime Communications Pty Ltd

  • Local Time: UTC+10:00 02:40:49

The owner of this number comes to: Sydney, Canberra, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0284168275 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.

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There have been 1 reports from users.

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Anon  | 3 month ago | Category: Other Calls

+61-2-8416-8275 Delete
Telemarketer fro Alteryx

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first they called my mobile (i did not answer) then they left message on voicemail...it was a recorded (robotic type) from taxation dept saying money is owed and not call back police will be sent to arrest me and take to jail...oh...dear...looks like i am in trouble lol...well...someone could be if they believe them...sounds scary when you get it though!

Missed call on mobile, no voicemail, but I called back (thought it was a Service Provider for family member). A guy with an Indian accent answered as "Officer Jim Harris" from the "Australian Taxation Office" and said my name was involved in a legal case and I had a tax liability, then asked if I wanted to "fight the case". That was odd phraseology, I knew it was a scam and told him I was going to alert the ATO and Scamwatch. He was as cool as cucumber and gave me a (bogus) case number and Officer Badge number and suggested I call my accountant/lawyer if I have one for more details, or the ATO and ask to be put through to "Officer Jim Harris". This is a scam, don't pick up/don't call back and block this number.

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Claims to be from the legal department of services australia. robocall, "to talk to our legal team, press 1"

Claims to be from the legal department of services australia. robocall, "to talk to our legal team, press 1"