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High Risk

28 users voted and made 4 comments. Number from Sydney, Canberra New South Wales, Australian Ca.

Last updated: 09-28-2024

Listing Information

  • International format: +61282053106/ +612-8205-3106 / 0061282053106

  • Area Code: 02

  • City: Sydney, Canberra

  • State/Province: New South Wales, Australian Ca

  • Region: Central East Region

  • Phone Type: G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line)

  • Registrant Company: Chime Communications Pty Ltd

  • Local Time: UTC+10:00 10:34:03

The owner of this number comes to: Sydney, Canberra, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0282053106 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.

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There have been 28 reports from users.

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Check out comments from other users

Eri  | 3 month ago | Category: Scam Call

+61-2-8205-3106 Delete
Automated female voice telling me my Tax File Number was involved in fraudulent activity and I needed to press 1 to avoid being arrested. It’s a scam.

Nikki  | 3 month ago | Category: Scam Call

+61-2-8205-3106 Delete
This number just called me saying they were from ATO and a warrant was out for me for tax fraud. I was to be arrested and jailed. It was a recording of a ladies voice and that’s how the call started off right from the start! I’ve called ATO and they have been notified.

Jez T  | 3 month ago | Category: Scam Call

+61-2-8205-3106 Delete
Fake voice pretending to be the ATO saying my TFN had been marked as fraudulent and I was about to be arrested and maybe even killed. Solid.

RC  | 3 month ago | Category: Scam Call

+61-2-8205-3106 Delete
Someone calling on behalf of ATO saying that my tax file number has been flagged for fraudulent behaviour and a warrent for my arrest has been ordered and I could be executed lol

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