0 users voted and made comments. Number from Sydney, Canberra New South Wales, Australian Ca.
Last updated: 11-24-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Sydney, Canberra, the number is G (Geographic Land Line, Fixed Line) number. Share the phone number 0280051468 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
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Text to voice mentioning Amazon, I hung up immediately
A man called introducing himself Mark from Energy Australia. Then proceeded with description of new discounts for loyal customers and said I need to go through the verification to get them. And this when it triggered a red flag for me, so I said I'd rather do it myself online. On which he quickly said good buy:-)
Briefly describe the scamThis female fraud artist that keeps setting up new different phone numbers and buying different SIM cards and talking over the phone in a fake Indian accent, pretending to be from a disability charity and asking for our credit card details to donate $20 to her. When we asked her about the charity address or the website she hangs up and then creates another phone number and calls and calls and calls pretending to be the same charity again.. This has been going on for months now and the police do nothing about it, makes us think maybe it’s actually police officers that do these things and get away with it.
A woman called Pamela from SMSF Compare wanting to talk to me about my super set up.
Answered call, then silent and the caller ended call without saying anything.
+61-2-8005-1468 Delete
Tried to tell me from Telstra k off bitch" & hung up