0 users voted and made comments. Number from Canberra Australia.
Last updated: 11-10-2024
The owner of this number comes to: Canberra, the number is Mobile number. Share the phone number 0411503645 with your friends and others and let them also express their opinions.
If you suspect that you have been contacted by a fraudulent organisation, file a complaint with the National Do Not Call Registry. Mobile or fax numbers for free to reduce unsolicited telemarketing calls.
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Spam/Scam/Fraud call. Knew my name, said they were from 'SMSF Starter'. I asked where they got my number from, they said "we have a research centre in victoria" or something, I asked again where they got my number from and they hung up. Seems to be the same mob/scheme as https://www.reverseaustralia.com/lookup/0384572061(03) 8457 2061 /
no msg left
Hello hello hello mark r u there. Blacklist it
Recorded message from UK? saying "You will have your internet cut off in 4 hours due to the need of a new router and connection, press 1 to speak to your internet provider." I hung up.
Something about needing to press 1 to hear about your criminal case. Hang up
+61-411-503-645 Delete
Recording saying they are going to disconnect my line